Danske vhs'er som gjenstår her til salg.
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Annonsen er lagt ut andre steder samtidig.
A boy and his dog (Mad don) (dsa) xrental
A breed apart (Mand mod mand) (gul esselte) xrental
A bullet for the general (Gringo desperados) (scanbox) sell vhs
Belle Starr (filmlab) xrental BORTE
Better kiss a cobra (Cobraens forbandelse) abc coll. xrental - BORTE
Cataclysm (mangler instick) men kassetten er org. dk exrental
Creepshow (polygram) xrental
Double target (irish) xrental
Expendables (C.Santiago) (Videotrade) xrental
From whisper to a scream (Velkommen til Oldfield) (Offspring) polygram xrental
Garden of torture (Lysternes have) (Spectrum) xrental BORTE
Gran slam (hem video) xrental
Grissom gang (mdc) xrental
High midnight (Farlig midnat) (Gul esselte) xrental
Island of terror (terror øen) (videomarketing) xrental BORTE
Lorca and outlaws (Lorca og rummets lovløse) (abc coll) xrental
Minnesota clay (Sheriffen contra mesterskytten) (abc coll/scanbox) xrental
Molekylesyndromet (??) regi Ed Hunt. Utgitt av Davico, dansk
Night of the big heat (Dræbende hede) xrental BORTE
Panic (filmcom) xrental
Please, Let the Flowers Live (Hans andet liv) (Duccio Tessari) (polygram) xrental
Trespasses (Begærets magt) (VCM) xrental
War without end (westcon) sell vhs
Zero boys, The (abc coll) xrental
Dead end (Juno) xrental
Schizoid (Kinski) (Panorama) xrental
Tomorrow never comes (VCL) xrental
Knife in the darkness (By i skræk) (Juno) xrental
Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (IT Video) xrental
Timeslip (aka G.I Samurai) (Pathe) selltru
Border,The (Grænsepatruljen)(Kavan) selltru
Hearse, The (Ligvognen)(Juno) xrental
Irrestible force (C.Rothrock)(Nordisk film) selltru
Ultimax force (Scanbox) selltru
Blood ties (Mafioso) (VCM) xrental
Bloody pom poms (Blodigt heppekor) (Nielsen group) xrental
Dead kids (aka Strange behavior) (PPE) xrental
Detroit 9000 (Dræberaktion Detroit) (Pathe/Nordisk) selltru
Savage journey (Den lange rejse) (westcon) selltru
Toy soldiers (Young soldiers) (Polygram video) xrental
Blood and bullits (samlerens video film/filmlab)
Deadlier than the male (Dødens agenter) + Lottery (dobbeltfilm) (Filmlab)
L'Executrice (Nådeløs hævn) (DSA) selltru
Nomad riders (Nådeløs hævn) (BB video) xrental
Town called bastard, A (De hængtes by) (Abc collection/Scanbox)
Avenging force - aka Night hunter (Jeger uden nåde) stjerneserien - sell tru
Commander lawin (Commanders) (Irish) xrental
Danger zone (Video International) xrental
Diamond fight (Diamant kuppet) (Filmlab) xrental
East end hustle (Varme piger og kolde lig) (Vcl / Abc collection) xrental
Executioners from Shaolin ( Bødlerne fra Shaolin) (warner/metronome) xrental
Five superfighters (5 superfighters) (warner/metronome) xrental
Forced entry (En taber ser rødt) (Filmcom) xrental
Gun shy piluk - aka The avenger (BB video) xrental
House of excorism (Djævleuddrivelsen) (Irish) xrental BORTE
Kashmiri run (select video) xrental
Legendary weapons of China (Kinas våben) (warner/metronome) xrental
Massive retaliation (De overlevende) (Vestron video Int.) xrental BORTE
Platoon leader (stjerneserien) smallbox selltru
River of death (Dødens flod) (Kavan) small sell tru
Space rage (Video International) xrental BORTE
Squizzy Taylor (WM video) xrental
Terror in the swamp (Jungle-mysteriet) (Videoaction) xrental
They called him Veritas (Vestens smarte drenge) (Filmlab) xrental
Vultures in paradise (Arvinger som gribbe) (Video International) xrental
Wizards (Krigens troldmænd) (CSB Fox) xrental
Bury me a angel (Englenes hævn) (insticket litt klippet rundt) (Filmvideo)
Days of hell (Kavan) selltru
Fleshburn (abc collection/scanbox) xrental
Grotesque (Blodig alvor) (Jaguar film) xrental
Medusa touch (filmlab) selltru
Mission mafiakorset (Los ejecutores) (Polygram) xrental
Ticket to heaven (Fanden er løs) (Spectrum) xrental
Tir groupe (Dødsskuddet) (Spectrum) xrental
Interface (Vestron video) xrental
Into the darkness (Ude i mørket) (Scanbox/Scanbox) xrental
Up the military (Rekrutskolen) (Polygram video) xrental
Kinjite (Adgang forbudt) (ABC Collection) xrental
Stag party (Magnum video) xrental
Big secrets and small tapes (Gas, grin...) (Video International) xrental BORTE
Dark room, The (Mørkekammeret) (Panorama) xrental
Pray for the dead (Klaus Kinski western) (DVS) xrental BORTE
Pursuit (Apache massakre) (Krone video) xrental
Whispering death (Flammer i Afrika) (Irish video)
A real american hero (Strisser i modvind) (Polygram video) xrental
Equalizer (Juno media) xrental BORTE
Hellcommandos (Helvedeskorpset) (ABC Collection) xrental
Hitlist (Dødslisten) (Egmont) xrental
Lasermission (Videotrade) xrental
Steelcowboy (ABC Collection) xrental
Superargo (Superargo against diabolicus) (DVS) xrental
Sunday in the country (Farlig søndag) (Videohuset) xrental
Black killer (Den sorte hævner) (Filmcom) xrental
Risking (Flugten fra Monte Carlo) (Filmcom) xrental
One by one (En efter en) (Polygram video) xrental
Silent action (aka I accuse)(Jeg anklager)(Dana sound video) xrental
So darling, so deadly (Iranicon filtret) (STVP video)
Avenging angel (Hævnens engel) Egmont xrental
Certain encounter (aka Operation Cross eagle)(Hvid slavehandel) DSA-Abc collection Xrental
Crazy bunch (Den skøre bande) (Walthers video) xrental
Desert commandos (Ørken commando) Westcon - selltru
Hokey pokey gang, The (Flugten under havet) IT video collection xrental
Killer fish (Terror i dybet) CBS Fox - xrental BORTE
Terror within, The (Terror til døden) (gul esselte) xrental
Amin, den sindssyge diktator (Amin, rise and fall of Idi Amin) (nordisk film) selltru
Race with the devil (Djævelsk terror) CBS Fox - xrental
Stranger and the gunfighter, The (aka Blood money) (Guld under bæltestedet) A.C.? - xrental
Der er et syndigt land (Klaus Kinski/Fabio Testi) Spectrum - xrental BORTE
Crazies, The (Smag af døden) A.C.? / Sonet video - xrental
Deathdream (Dødsdrømmen) Walthers video - xrental
Up the creek (Buksevand til hængerøve) nordisk films video a/s - xrental BORTE
Flavia, the heretic (Ondskabens kloster) - filmlab - xrental BORTE
Fraulein in uniform (Straffekommando øst) - S.T.V.P. video - xrental BORTE
Drabspatruljen (Kill squad) - BB Video Århus (coveret er papirkopi) - xrental
Next of kin (Gysets plejehjem) Panorama video - xrental
Tårnet i tågen (Tower of evil) VideoInternational - xrental - BORTE